NSF EPSCoR requires that proposals relate to a current program research theme:
- Climate Science
- Geohazard Engineering
- Disaster Management
- Geoscience
- Water Resources
- Environmental Science
- Community Response to Climate Hazards
KY NSF EPSCoR offers funding for various projects, research topics, and instrumentation. For more information on each program, navigate to the topic and click on the title. Program requirements are listed below. Project description lengths of 5 to 8 pages are recommended.
Education, Outreach, and Communication (EOC)
Funding to support STEM education, outreach and communication events and activities. Apply as an individual or an institution.
Undergraduate Research Experience (URE)
Funding for faculty-mentored research projects supporting undergrad students in STEM fields.
Research Award (RA)
Faculty seed-funding for new or existing research projects with the goal of enabling future proposal applications submitted to NSF.
If an RA proposal is funded, the awarded PI(s) must subsequently submit a follow-on research proposal directly to NSF before a future NSF EPSCoR proposal will be accepted for consideration.
All applications should be developed using the NSF’s demo site ( Upload your application files, print the proposal as a PDF document, and submit the file to
You will need to establish an NSF account to log in to the demo site and provide some basic information to access a proposal template. We recommend the following …
Proposal Title: Start your title with the abbreviation of the program you are applying to. For example: “RA: ….”
Funding Opportunity: NSF 24-1 – Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide – PAPPG
Where to Apply: (Select Any)
Proposal Type: Select “Research”
Submission Type: Full Proposal
Collaborative Type: Not Collaborative
Demo site information:
In the proposal preparation demo site, you will be able to perform all proposal preparation functions that a PI would be able to do in the actual system
- All active compliance checks in the actual system will also apply in the demo site
- No system-generated email notifications will be created or sent when performing any actions in the demo site
- Proposals created in the demo site will not be displayed in the actual system, and demo proposal data cannot be transferred to the actual system
- Users can return to a previously started application—just select the “Work with In Progress” option instead of “Prepare New” after logging in