UK, UofL Researchers Collaborate on PEDOT: PSS – Nanocollider

Dr. Matt Weisenberger, University of Kentucky

Dr. Ruben Sarabia-Riquelme, University of Kentucky

Dr. Cindy Harnett, University of Louisville

Dr. Kunal Kate, University of Louisville

Dr. Zan Paterson, University of Kentucky

Paula Alarcon, University of Kentucky

In what was the first nanoCollider featuring cross-institutional presentations, the PEDOT: PSS team featuring research from both the University of Kentucky and University of Louisville did an outstanding job presenting their research, challenges, and collaborative success. 

Dr. Weisenberger hosted the presentation, giving background on the successful carbon fiber spinline at the UK Center for Applied Energy Research – the largest spinline at any university in the United States. Due to the success of the coal-derived materials spinning which you can find here:, Weisenberger’s team sought to spin PEDOT: PSS – a conductive, malleable material in a similar process using NSF funded equipment. The results are very encouraging. 

Dr. Sarabia-Riquelme, also part of the Weisenberger team, is the lead on the PEDOT: PSS fiber process and reviews wet-spinning of the single filaments, multifilament spinning, and then the applications of the fibers. These fibers are conductive, heat sensitive, and touch sensitive as well, with outstanding potential in the sensor, electrical objects, prosthetics, and robotic industries. 

Dr. Harnett of the University of Louisville takes spools of the conductive PEDOT: PSS and is examining ways to manipulate and tie it into supercoils, making it stronger and more stretchable in the process. 

Dr. Kate of UofL looks at ways to use PEDOT:SS in 3D-Printing, his expertise. While there are obstacles currently in optimizing the 3D-printing process, the potential of printed PEDOT could be revolutionary to advanced manufacturing. 

Dr. Zan Paterson, of UK, and her PhD candidate Paula Alarcon, examine PEDOT in terms of using them as transistors in electronic devices, as well as improving coatings for the fibers to increase durability. 

The PEDOT: PSS program is a perfect example of the power of KY NSF EPSCoR researchers working together towards the goal of enhancing manufacturing. We have the raw materials coming from UK, and then UofL utilizing those materials for applicable function. All made possible through funding through NSF EPSCoR.

You can watch the entire nanoCollider below: