Supporting Collaboration in STEM Engagement Across Kentucky
We provide mini-grants for URM-serving individuals and organizations seeking to collaborate, address gaps and overlaps in service, and share exemplary practices for engaging students and citizens in Advanced Manufacturing STEM topics.
max request
URM Engagement
Supports Advanced Manufacturing Outreach
A Note About Hosting Events
If you are proposing supporting a conference, workshop, symposium or other similar meeting with an EPSCoR Mini-Grant, please be advised that you will need to disclose within the project description and budget justification of your application:
(1) if there are any other pending or committed sources of financial support for the activity, and if so, identify and differentiate specifically what each source would pay for, and
(2) indicate if you anticipate collecting a registration fee.
Application submissions are due 11:59 p.m. ET on 5/15/20. Void where prohibited.
Request for Proposals
Deadline for Proposals
Funding Decisions
Applications to all EPSCoR programs can include requests for federally-negotiated institutional F&A/indirect costs. Maximum budget request amounts indicated apply to direct costs. F&A costs can be added to these direct cost maximums.
Only one application per investigator per program per year is allowed.
Each institution that applies for financial assistance from the KY NSF EPSCoR must have a formal institutional plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers participating in the proposed research project. KY NSF EPSCoR must receive verification and notification that participants on supported project have received appropriate training consistent with their established institutional policies.
Foreign travel cannot be proposed.
Requests for computers cannot be proposed.
Any proposal submitted to KY NSF EPSCoR and declined for funding can be modified and resubmitted the next year (program cycle) but if declined more than once, can’t be submitted again.
Please be advised that if awarded, a certification of completion of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training for all of the aforementioned participants, consistent with the sub-awarded institution’s policies, will need to be provided to KY NSF EPSCoR (jeff.mossey@uky.edu) before a subcontracted award can be fully executed.
All KY NSF EPSCoR awardees and funded participants are obligated to complete a Seed Funding Annual Awards Outcomes Report available on our website http://kynsfepscor.uky.edu/reporting/
Project proposals should be submitted electronically as a single, merged PDF document to jeff.mossey@uky.edu